Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Wrapping

So a recap over 2005, 2006, 2007 and now onto 2008. This year it was a golden boroque theme with huge bows made from a selection of theatrical material from SoHo. Broadwick Silks for a little bit of dupion, Borovicks for the rest, plus some Paperchase ribbons and some giant golden acorn bells I found in a bargain bucket the first day I went xmas shopping.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello. I am back from a sejourn. Here is one of my Christmas presents. I have a lot of things to put up which I'll do over the next day or so as I am not planning to get out of my pyjamas over the Christmas season. I am very excited about making a giant strawberry cushion and the spotty bags. I might get some thick furnishing fabric from Liberties in the sale for my first one.