Sunday, July 18, 2010

In Transit

As Clairey suggested, I really need to do my cushion in all different colours but I seem to lack the correct wool. I always think I have loads but somehow I never have exactly what I need. So I paused on the blue whilst I think about going back to a wool shop and instead tried it out with the really thin cotton yarn I have for the amigurimi stuff I've done in the past. I also tried out Rachel's interpretation of the instructions which differ to mine.

Crochet 03

I'm so indecisive that I'll probably end up doing both a bit more to see if I like one better than the other. The cotton yarn is definitely harder as it's so tiny and has less stretch so you have to have your stitches just right so they're not to tight or too baggy. I think the woolier wool allows you to hide a multitude of sins so maybe I'll finish that one first.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Project

Crochet 02

Even though I have not finished tying all the ends of my last crochet project, I just thought I would gather together some new wool for the next one as I happened to be passing both the new Loop shop in Islington and Liberties.

Crochet 01

I also bought this grey wool because it was just so soft.

Crochet 03

Here is close up of the start. I am not sure that it's right at all.

Crochet 4

It doesn't seem very square but I am sure it will stretch. Now to decide if I do them all blue or in different colours.