Not much has been happening recently. I have a backlog of hand quilting to get through which is taking its time. In the meantime though I met up with Rachel and we went to Loop. I haven't done any knitting in a long, long time so we decided to buy some wool and start something new.
I'll admit, the shop is expensive, but it's very inspiring as everything in there is so tasteful. It really gets my imagination going in a way that the wool department in Selbys just doesn't. Here is the brilliant window display

So here is my purchase. Two skeins of Cascade 220 in pink and yellow.

I have decided to make one of these! which you can buy from Rebecca Danger's Etsy shop.

I thought it would make a fine present for Arthur as long as he doesn't mind the pink. Unfortunately I don't own any circular needles so I can't get started. I might have to get on my bike and see if I can find some as I think it's a great bank holiday monday project.