Monday, May 28, 2007

Tidy Compulsions

So it rained all weekend. Ace. There are so many things to do when you're housebound. I decided to pop down the pound shop and buy some boxes so I could once and for all sort out all my material which has been up until now, shoved in a cupboard from which it spills out everytime I open the door. So voila! A day of rain later and I am organised.


Anonymous said...

Lovely! Love the polka dots.

warriorgrrl said...

I'm jealous of both your organisation and your swatches of material! Can you recommend any nice fabric shops?

Anonymous said...

Hey lau, I'll put together a list of sources. I get everything off the web and I always sniff out spots. I love them. Only unifom ones though, none of the random kind. I have been thinking about running since you mentioned it. 2.6miles is very impressive

Pippa said...

Obsessive compulsive art tendencies! I love seeing pretty things arranged all neatly. Yes, I am a big saddo.