So what's been going on this weekend? Well now I have finished the baby quilt it's time to move up my list of things to do which is quite large as I really am bent on finishing off some of the half finished projects that are mounting up. So for 'in front of the telly' time, we have the quilting of the Broken Dishes quilt that I started years ago.

My hand quilting stitches are a bit uneven and too far apart at the moment. I also really need to start learning to hand quilt with a thimble though as it really cuts up my fingers after a while.

I also started a new project which I had been gradually amassing the material for since Chillford. I knew I wanted to do one for myself that was quilt big and was browns and reds, so at last I got the chance to lay out all the material and sit with it for a while. I selected the main material ages ago. It was a choice between these two: Park Slope and Birds of Norway from Michael Miller

So I had to sit with them all weekend and make some decisions. Eventually I bit the bullet and chose the Pink Slope and cutting began. Unfortunately I cut half of it wrong, which I blame totally on the book which had little diagrams of perfectly cut triangles, yet in the text told you to saw the tops off. You think I'd be able just to saw the tops off mine but it does work that way so it looks like I have enough leftovers to make the next speaker quilt. Anyway it's a big old quilt so it'll take a loooong time to cut the bits. I plan to do it nice and slowly so I don't make any more stupid mistakes.
The book the pattern is from is called 'Material Obsessions'. I find the instructions a bit awkward as I really would prefer to know the cut sizes of pieces from the start rather than following their written instruction which sort of depend on you having the ruler or template they are using. As I am awful at maths, I find this whole sixty degree thing a bit complicated so I had to keep making myself templates and trying to do it all without the 60 degree ruler. I basically ended up making my own in the end. I just should have bought one, but I am trying not to end up buying stuff all the time. Of course the minute I see a 60 degree ruler in at The Festival of Quilts, it shall be mine, oh yes!

I am sure I did it in a terribly ham-fisted way. I just hope it all works out in the end as the pattern is lovely. The book is full of contemporary designs using modern fabrics which I am quite into at the moment. Their blog shows the kind of thing I mean. I really like their modern applique designs. Here are some examples. Quilt 1, Quilt 2, Quilt 3 (the one I am making)
I love that Park Slope fabric - great choice. I have some too but I haven't decided what to do with it yet but it definitely won't be as complicated as what you're planning!!
The hand quilting looks great too - doesn't it take forever though?
Anyway, just popped over to say I have linked to your "designing a quilt" posts on my blog in a post about making your first quilt as I found them really useful. Hope that's ok with you :o)
Have fun with those fabrics x
Hi Dotty
Yes, I love the Pink Slope so much I had to go and buy some more to replace what I am using.
Hand quilting just seems endless which is why I have to sort of be watching TV, preferably a box set of a series so that I can can just keep on going and going.
I find it quite therapeutic though and the end result is so lovely. I might totally hand quilt a quilt one day just to send myself completely barmy.
I'm glad you found my posts useful! I think you first quilt is beautiful.
Check out your stash!!! I would love to spend hours lining all the colours up!
I am an addict. I can't bear to cut any of it up I just like shuffling the piles around!
Look forward to seeing it. I've had my eye on Park Slope for quite some time!
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