So here it is, all tacked together after months of just looking at it and sighing. Finally I taped it to the ground then left it there for a week before forcing myself to tack it together. I just find tacking SO boring.
Now I have yest another decision. How to quilt it. I can't remember what thickness of thread Maggie used on the original. All I remember is that it starts with a spiral and just works its way out in waves. I wish i'd looked closer at it last time!
My mum gave me some space dyed cotten abrode which is great as it's thicker than normal quilting thread which I like as it makes the stitching more visible, and she says that the change in colour will make it look richer. I just can't decide which colour to use or if I should use both!
how have I never noticed before that everytime I open up your blog a different banner appears across the top? that is sooo cool!!!
T'is true! it's a little bit of code my other half set up that allows you to rotate through a folder of images. It's like a surprise lucky dip!
I'd use the darker one, I can imagine it'd show up the swirl more.
I keep meaning to ask, is this the rather expensive quilt kit that you bought from Birmingham the other year, or is that one still to come?
Great! The darker one it is. No, the expensive quilt kit is waiting for a special rainy weekend when I need to cheer myself up. I have too many unfinished projects to complete first. This is a really old project I started years ago! I still have three other quilts I need to push further along before I start something new!
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