So here we are in a bright, shiny, new year. In celebration of this, I have harangued the Pony into updating my blog layout a bit. For some time now I haven't been able to take advantage of Blogger's newer features as I had never updated to the latest version as it meant loosing my custom design. But it seems like the year for change, so here is the wider layout with bigger pictures.
I suppose this is also the moment where I take stock of what I said I would do this year and come clean as to whether I've actually achieved any of it.
I made a list last year of outstanding projects. Here it is with an update.
Unfinished Project 1: The Neverending Broken Dishes Quilt
2010 Status: Finished!
Unfinished Project 2: The Country Quilt
2010 Status: Ongoing. I did a huge chunk of it which including coming to grips with applique so I'm really pleased with myself. Now I just need to baste it together and hand quilt it all.
Unfinished Project 3: The Sawtooth Star Quilt
2010 Status: Well I haven't got much further with that. It's such a big project I am trying to clear the way for it.
1 out of 3 isn't awful when you consider what I have made this past year:
A yellow monster
A stripey monster
A baby quilt for Nell
A baby quilt for Isla
An incubator quilt
A speaker quilt
A Pencil roll
A knitted vest
A cowl
Of course I now have a few more unfinished projects
A big, crazy quilt which I have lots to do on
A baby quilt for Mabel which is nearly done!
A new kit to make
Plus I need to make the partner to the original speaker quilt.
Plus there is another baby on the way. People really need to slow down. Three last year was more than enough to keep me busy.
Resolutions for this year
I'd like to do another course this year as the course I went on last year was very inspiring.
I'd also like to get more done, but time is always a big factor.
So in summary I think it's been a good year productivity-wise.
Ooooh nice, I'm all inspired! I might go and start some floor cushions. You forgot to add the cats to your finished list, I'll photo yours if you photo mine!
I really love your rainbow speaker quilt. And the new blog layout is cool. And... my blog is in your list down the side! Wowee! I thought that you thought that I was just some oddball who commented on your blog from time to time. Although, you could still think that, I suppose...
Looking forward to seeing what biscuity creations you come up with this year :o)
No, Pippa, would I think that? I have just been too lo tech to have a blog roll before!
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