Sunday, February 19, 2012

Swoon Weekend End

20120219-P1180948.jpg So finally the weekend is over and I managed to get a second block done by the skin of my teeth. I made two pretty stupid mistakes as I wasn't paying attention. I was so focused on trying to get my pattern to be the right way up that I just let other things slide.

20120219-P1180944.jpg Mistake 1. I forgot to cut 4 big squares and only cut 3! So I had to revert to the original pattern in order to get the last block. How stupid! Of course, it's doubly worse because I did it twice as I was cutting two materials at once! It's not perfect, but at least I had something left over to make it with.

20120219-P1180945.jpg Mistake 2. I stupidly mistook 4 of the smaller squares for larger ones and made them into half square triangles. So they were useless and I only had scraps left. I managed to cobble together the missing blocks and I don't think they look too bad. I would have just ordered more fabric but it takes two weeks to get from the US to the UK which I just couldn't bear. It's all a learning curve in the end.

20120219-P1180943.jpg I did manage to do the seams right this time and it made a big difference. It takes longer though.


ray said...

That's Sooooo pretty! I love the fabric and its so neat and pointy!

Jaypeg said...

Just as pointy as yours! I just wish I had paid more attention when making it.