Friday, January 31, 2014

iPad case

Finally I have finished binding my iPad case. It's pretty weird that the fabric made just enough to be iPad size. I didn't even measure it. I just tried my iPad in it and it was a perfect fit. Not a bad result from my Eternal Maker scrap bag. 


I thought I might decide on a 'front' and 'back' but neither side is better than the other.


This is currently the back.


I managed to use my wonder clips for the first time and they were perfect for the job. They really clasp well. I think I got these from mum two years a go so I am glad they have finally found purpose. 


I have some current favourite bits. I like to stare at it and find new things to like though so I expect I'll change. But today I like the tiny peach sliver.


And the 'Appy'. And the little bit of bunting. So now I have two cases but only one iPad. 

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