Tuesday, February 02, 2016

FW37: Georgia & FW38: Golda

It's so nice to feel caught up now. I feel on top of things. I sat down and cut out the next five blocks then started cutting out the fabric. Usually I don't choose fabrics in advance as I like to see the blocks Kerry makes first but I felt inspired by my new orange and yellow fabrics. But I wanted to mix the new set in with my existing fabrics pronto so I could start to see if this was all going to work. I was worried. They seem to be a brilliant addition. They are much brighter, maybe a bit ice creamy sometimes, but in general, I feel they are much more in the rainbow vibe which I see other people doing and I seem to be craving. Sigh... But something else has happened...

I looked back through some of my early blocks and now feel they are too dull and boring. I really just don't like them. I think I will always feel like this. So I want to redo them like other people's I have seen or put my oranges and yellows in them. I don't want this to get too out of hand as I am in danger of wanting to redo nearly every block, but I am going to pick out a few choice ones and see if my alternatives come out better. It's actually quite fun to make the same block out of different fabrics and see how completely different it makes the block feel.

We'll see if I get the time. At the moment I can only try to squeeze one block in on Saturday and Sunday in small snatches of time so I don't know where the time will come from. This week I made both blocks though. They were pretty quick to sew up in the end. When I look at them both though I kind of feel Georgia is a bit boring and Golda is my favourite which I wasn't expecting.

Block 37 Georgia

Well this block should probably line up better than it does considering how simple it was. I've tried to incorporate some of the grey I am falling out of love with into the bright palette. I am not sure it works though. I think I might not use the grey anymore.


Block 38 Golda

I love this block. I considered not doing it as it's very much like one I did already, but I enjoyed the last one so much that I decided to keep going with it. I thought I would try and marry the pink and orange and I think it works here.


My only regret is that the centre lines up so poorly. I really want to unpick it but I already had to unpick two ends where I stupidly mixed up the fabrics. First time I have actually got them the wrong way round.


I like the brightness and the clash of warm colours. Very pleased.

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